This Company Is Solving A $1B Problem, And It’s Creating An Opportunity For Investors


One of the largest burdens faced by people over 50 is spinal discomfort. For years, they have only had two options for treatment: Either they get a disc replacement with metal or plastic that wears over time, or they can lose a ton of mobility with spinal fusion.

Dymicron invented a third option poised to help thousands of patients in need of a breakthrough – representing a $1 billion potential addressable market. We created replacement artificial discs out of the most durable material on earth: diamonds. And for a limited time, the company is taking investors to help share their innovation with the world. 

Here’s why this is such a big deal for the spinal implants industry, and why investors should keep an eye out. 

Why This Industry Needs DymicronConventional disc replacement techniques involve the use of plastics or metal that can potentially lead to nagging pain and even more surgery down the road. Not only that, but wear and tear can create foreign particles, which lead to implant failure and revision surgery for the patient. 

Beyond that, conventional disc replacements are designed with “ball and socket” motion like artificial knees and hips, only meeting minimum requirements to mimic natural spinal motion. 

Dymicron’s novel discs are designed to mimic natural human spinal motion to help prevent this wear. Plus, their man-made diamond-based material is capable of 1,000X less wear than standard metal and 4,000X less wear than metal on polyethylene. 

It’s important to note that this extends far beyond the disc replacement market. Hips, shoulders and ankles  stand to benefit as well. Dymicron could relieve pain for millions of people who are currently dealing with  joint replacements made with materials that generate wear debris.

To be clear, Dymicron is targeting a hot market right now. Three of the last seven spine M&A transactions have primarily focused on improvements geared towards improving artificial cervical discs. So investing in this company means joining the ground floor of a company with that same potential before it happens. 

Here’s why investors should look into it before Wall Street catches on.

Dymicron’s Competitive EdgeOne key marker to watch out for in a startup investment is the company’s traction. Dymicron has 83 unique patents thus far spanning across design, manufacturing and form. This shows progress and adds to the case that this is truly a one-of-a-kind breakthrough, meaning fewer competitors can mimic their products.

This company has also treated scores of patients already, another good sign. To date, they have implanted over 500 successful disc replacements in the EU. And now, they have their sights set on the U.S. market. Dymicron is looking to raise $15 million to achieve a U.S. clinical validation milestone, which will allow them to seek commercial expansion, as well as FDA approval. 

Upon completion, Dymicron projects a scalable model that’s more than capable of yielding $25 million per year today. A scalable, cost-effective approach projects minimum risk with nearly limitless possibilities… and considering where the company is in the process, this is the ideal time to act. 

The Dymicron Investment OpportunityDymicron’s next big initiative is to gain FDA approval to access the largest medical device market in the world, the USA, leading to strong interest by large strategic orthopedic companies who could apply this novel material across the entire musculoskeletal spectrum. 

But the whole idea behind investing in startups is to get in before they are mainstream. And there aren’t many better options than this. Dymicron’s core mission is to make their life-changing breakthrough innovations accessible to everyone. In doing so, they’re initially  targeting a global market projected to grow 150%  from an annual $400 million to $1 billion.

They already hold dozens of patents on their technology, they’ve used it successfully in the European Union, and now they are inviting our readers to hop on board as they take on the United States market.

Learn more about how you can become a Dymicron investor here.

This is a paid advertisement for Dymicron’s Regulation A+ Offering. Please read the offering circular at (opens in new tab)

This content was provided by Dymicron. Kiplinger is not affiliated with and does not endorse the company or products mentioned above.

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