Stifel cut Twitter stock to “sell” on Thursday after Elon Musk made a $43 billion bid to buy the company.”Full blown Elon circus” sets a near-term ceiling on the stock price and detaches Twitter from its fundamentals, Stifel said.Twitter has said its board of directors will review Musk’s bid to buy the company for $54.20… Continue reading Twitter cut to ‘sell’ at Stifel as ‘full blown Elon circus’ sets a near-term ceiling in share price and increases downside risk
Putin says Europe has no energy alternatives to Russian gas, and weaning off will have severe consequences for the economy
Europe has no viable alternative to Russian energy, warned President Putin. “A reasonable replacement for Europe simply does not exist,” Putin said Thursday in a televised statement. While Russian oil has rebounded, it has had to travel further to find new markets and buyers. Loading Something is loading. Russian President Vladimir Putin said Europe doesn’t… Continue reading Putin says Europe has no energy alternatives to Russian gas, and weaning off will have severe consequences for the economy
These Interns Make $16,000 a Month
American pay is slowly gaining, with average hourly earnings climbing 5.6% in the 12 months through March. But in some places, it is positively soaring. Among the highest paying sectors for entry-level workers are technology, banking, management consulting and law. Top college graduates receive starting pay of more than $100,000 a year in those fields.… Continue reading These Interns Make $16,000 a Month
Setting Up a Home Office
Step 1: Pick a spaceYour home office must be the primary area where your business activities take place. If you spend most of your time elsewhere, your home office must be the place where you conduct administrative or management chores (assuming you don’t make substantial use of any other fixed location to conduct those chores).… Continue reading Setting Up a Home Office
1099-MISC Instructions and How to Read the Tax Form
For information on the third coronavirus relief package, please visit our “American Rescue Plan: What Does it Mean for You and a Third Stimulus Check” blog post. Form 1099-MISC used to be a self-employed person’s best friend at tax time. However, this form recently changed, and it no longer includes nonemployee compensation the way it… Continue reading 1099-MISC Instructions and How to Read the Tax Form
What, Me Worry? Last-Minute Taxes
For information on the third coronavirus relief package, please visit our “American Rescue Plan: What Does it Mean for You and a Third Stimulus Check” blog post. According to the Internal Revenue Service, 20-25% of all Americans wait until the last two weeks before the deadline to prepare their returns. At that late date, there… Continue reading What, Me Worry? Last-Minute Taxes
TurboTax Guide to Self-Employment Taxes in Today’s Gig Economy
Many Americans have recently found themselves joining the gig economy as either a self-employed individual, a freelancer, or a similar short-term worker. If you fall into one of these categories, you are likely wondering how self-employment tax is handled compared with what you’ve done before. Here, we’ll help you feel confident in your understanding of… Continue reading TurboTax Guide to Self-Employment Taxes in Today’s Gig Economy
Tom Bradley: The more things change, the more the keys to successful investing stay the same
Tom Bradley: Time in the market is more important than timing the market Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Photo by Michael Nagle/Bloomberg files This month marks our firm’s 15th birthday. I’ve been using the milestone to reflect on how much has changed since we started, and how much has… Continue reading Tom Bradley: The more things change, the more the keys to successful investing stay the same