Global Factory Production Dips, but Supply Chains Improve: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts

The success of the global economy is affected by a multitude of factors. To help you understand what is going on and what we expect to happen in the future, our highly-experienced Kiplinger Letter team will keep you abreast of the latest developments and forecasts (Get a free issue of The Kiplinger Letter or subscribe).… Continue reading Global Factory Production Dips, but Supply Chains Improve: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts

The VR Race is Officially On: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts

Virtual-reality technology has come a long way from 1980s arcade games, and tech companies, such as Apple, Meta and HTC, are heavily investing in the future of VR. To help you understand what is going on and what we expect to happen in the future, our highly-experienced Kiplinger Letter team will keep you abreast of… Continue reading The VR Race is Officially On: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts

What Is Options Trading?

By definition, options are contracts that entitle the holder to buy or sell shares of the underlying asset at a specific price by a specific date. However, many active options traders never plan to touch the underlying shares themselves. Instead, they buy and sell options – sometimes in various combinations known as “spreads” – with… Continue reading What Is Options Trading?

Special Dividends Are On The Rise — Here’s What to Know About Them

The first half of 2023 was exciting for investors, as a new bull market was born and tech stocks went on a tear. Even supposedly staid dividends got a little spicier, as 36 firms in the broad-market S&P 1500 index paid out special dividends – extra, one-time payments on top of their regular dividend payouts… Continue reading Special Dividends Are On The Rise — Here’s What to Know About Them

What Are the Best Options Trading Platforms?

It’s not the easiest task to identify the best options trading platforms among the seemingly endless number available. Navigating these platforms can be difficult, and as an investor, selecting the right platform is vital to maximize your investment potential.  In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into some of the best options trading platforms.… Continue reading What Are the Best Options Trading Platforms?

How to Invest in AI

Artificial intelligence is already writing our kids’ essays, driving cars, producing new computer programs and helping scientists seek cures for cancer. It also promises lower costs and bigger profit margins for millions of businesses.  By 2030, a new report from the consulting firm McKinsey predicts AI could increase global productivity by more than 3%, adding… Continue reading How to Invest in AI