Russia’s economy is at China’s mercy. Here’s why that won’t be changing anytime soon.

Russia’s economy is becoming dependent on China and it could soon be a vassal state of Beijing, experts say. The two nations have ramped up trade and deepened ties as sanctions isolate Russia from the West. Their partnership benefits China enormously and probably isn’t ending soon, economists told Insider. Loading Something is loading. Thanks for… Continue reading Russia’s economy is at China’s mercy. Here’s why that won’t be changing anytime soon.

The S&P 500 has rallied thanks to the AI boom, but parts of the index may well be signaling a recession. Here’s what 7 experts have said.

The S&P 500 has come under scrutiny, given its gains haven’t been broad-based and were fueled by a handful of tech stocks. Many experts have pointed to the elevated concentration risk, while others have warned of an impending market sell-off.   Here’s what 7 top voices have said about the benchmark index – and what’s in… Continue reading The S&P 500 has rallied thanks to the AI boom, but parts of the index may well be signaling a recession. Here’s what 7 experts have said.

The hype in AI stocks isn’t a bubble yet, and little buy in from retail investors means there’s room for more upside

The hype in artificial intelligence is real, but hasn’t yet formed a bubble in stocks tied to the sector, according to DataTrek.The research firm said retail investors have yet to pile into AI stocks and fuel a bubble frenzy like they did during the pandemic.”Interest in ‘tech stock’ is nowhere near levels reached during the… Continue reading The hype in AI stocks isn’t a bubble yet, and little buy in from retail investors means there’s room for more upside

Goldman Sachs: Buy these 51 beaten-down stocks that will outperform if the US avoids a recession

Goldman Sachs is still projecting solid economic growth in 2023 and 2024. The firm expects continued declines in inflation and strength in the labor market. Here are 51 inexpensive stocks to buy that have lagged but are still high quality. The US economy seems to be running on fumes after last quarter’s anemic GDP report,… Continue reading Goldman Sachs: Buy these 51 beaten-down stocks that will outperform if the US avoids a recession

Nvidia is up 165% in 2023. Here’s why its the clear winner in the AI race so far.

Nvidia stock has soared 165% in 2023 as investors wake up to the potential of artificial intelligence.Nvidia appears best positioned for AI growth as companies rely on its high-tech GPUs to power chatbots like ChatGPT and Bard.Here’s why Nvidia is poised to continue to dominate AI.  Loading Something is loading. Thanks for signing up! Access… Continue reading Nvidia is up 165% in 2023. Here’s why its the clear winner in the AI race so far.

Investors will still flock to US Treasurys in a default – but the crisis would make these alternatives more attractive down the line

Atlantic Council senior director Josh Lipsky said investors would still turn to US Treasurys immediately after a default.  But long term, a default hurts the credibility of the US, and investors would seek other assets, he told Insider. “More and more countries will look for alternatives, and eventually they will find them.” Loading Something is… Continue reading Investors will still flock to US Treasurys in a default – but the crisis would make these alternatives more attractive down the line

Warren Buffett slammed the last debt-ceiling crisis as stupid waste of time – and called for the government’s borrowing limit to be removed

Warren Buffett doesn’t expect the debt-ceiling debacle to result in a US government default. He slammed the 2011 standoff as a silly waste of time, and said the borrowing limit shouldn’t exist. Buffett warned that not raising the debt ceiling might be Congress’ most idiotic move ever. Loading Something is loading. Thanks for signing up!… Continue reading Warren Buffett slammed the last debt-ceiling crisis as stupid waste of time – and called for the government’s borrowing limit to be removed

JPMorgan, Blackstone, BlackRock don’t expect a US debt default – Wharton professor Jeremy Siegel says it’s a ‘zero chance’ risk.

Economists including Jeremy Siegel ruled out a US debt default, saying the political standoff over the borrowing limit will be resolved in time, as it has done many times in the past. JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon and Blackstone’s Stephen Schwarzman are also optimistic that a default will be avoided. Here is a selection of recent commentary… Continue reading JPMorgan, Blackstone, BlackRock don’t expect a US debt default – Wharton professor Jeremy Siegel says it’s a ‘zero chance’ risk.