US Markets Loading… H M S Premium The Russian-Ukraine conflict has “created a massive void in critical materials,” said Bank of America analysts. Monty Rakusen/Getty Images This story is available exclusively to Insider subscribers. Become an Insider and start reading now. The Russia-Ukraine war “has created a massive void in critical materials,” says Bank of… Continue reading Bank of America shares 9 commodity-linked stocks set to get a boost from soaring global prices as the Russia-Ukraine crisis unlocks opportunities in downtrodden markets like Latin America
Pimco says the risks have increased for an ‘anti-Goldilocks economy’ — where growth is too cold and inflation is far too hot
The Ukraine war’s impact on supply chains and trade could result in a global “anti-Goldilocks” economy, Pimco said. Higher energy prices could help lead to “stagflation”, where inflation is too hot and growth is too cold. Even once the war ends, sanctions will likely persist and make supply-chain and trade flow issues worse, they said.… Continue reading Pimco says the risks have increased for an ‘anti-Goldilocks economy’ — where growth is too cold and inflation is far too hot
Humble Swap Makes Defi Safe for Everyone, launches on March 28
, /PRNewswire/ — Humble Swap ( is on a mission to make the decentralized finance world safer and accessible to everyone. Humble Swap is a new, decentralized exchange that has passed stringent security assessments to ensure customer funds’ safety. In preparation for the launch, Reach Co-Founder and CEO Chris Swenor stated, “We engaged with Kudelski… Continue reading Humble Swap Makes Defi Safe for Everyone, launches on March 28
Tax Tips for Employees Who Work at Home
Key Takeaways• Employees who work from home can no longer claim tax deductions for their unreimbursed employee expenses or home office costs on their federal tax return. • Prior to the 2018 tax reform, employees could claim these expenses as an itemized deduction. • Self-employed workers can claim eligible deductions for business expenses and for… Continue reading Tax Tips for Employees Who Work at Home
Here’s How to Safely Donate Money to Ukraine
TheStreet has compiled a list of secure ways you can send financial aid to Ukraine. The cri de coeur delivered by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to the United States Congress on Wednesday has sparked an enormous amount of sympathy and support for the besieged Eastern European country amongst its allies, particularly in North America. Though Zelensky… Continue reading Here’s How to Safely Donate Money to Ukraine
Rent: Up, Up and Away for Single-Family Homes
Those of you who are renters have probably seen directly what’s happening with rental rates — up, up and away. And it’s not just apartment rents that are soaring. U.S. single-family-home rent jumped 12.6% year-on-year in January, the 10th record monthly gain in a row, according to real estate research firm CoreLogic. Its data go… Continue reading Rent: Up, Up and Away for Single-Family Homes
America’s Best College Towns
The best college towns have it all: social activities along with academic and professional opportunities wrapped up in a wallet-friendly package. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2017 (Shuttertock) The best college towns have it all: social activities along with academic and professional opportunities wrapped up in a wallet-friendly package. Who doesn’t love a good college town? Whether… Continue reading America’s Best College Towns
Would You Pay $26M For This 15th Century Japanese Farmhouse in L.A.?
If you’re in the market for a home inspired by the creative aesthetic sparked in Japan following the Ōnin War during the mid-1400s — or you just love a huge master suite — then you’re in luck with this $26 million home hitting the market in Los Angeles. Image courtesy of photographer Tyler Hogan. Compass… Continue reading Would You Pay $26M For This 15th Century Japanese Farmhouse in L.A.?